The value of knowledge
[lwptoc hierarchical=”0″ numeration=”decimal” itemsFontSize=”100%” skipHeadingText=”Le nostre certificazioni|Corso per l’ufficio digitale e impresa 4.0|Corso di AutoCAD 3D|La gestione dei dati con Excel|Excel Power Pivot|Trova i corsi di informatica adatti alle tue esigenze:|Corso di Web Marketing B2B per aziende che vogliono raggiungere altre aziende|Marketing su Facebook: gestire la pagina di un’azienda|Corso di AutoCAD 2D|Trova lavoro nel marketing|Vendere su Amazon|La grafica con GIMP|Corso di Instagram Marketing|Aggiornamento: trend web marketing 2020|Corso di Solid Edge|Corso Personal Branding|Corso Web Marketing per start-up e nuovi imprenditori”]
IT Courses: Skills are one of the most significant and strategic values for companies.
Simatica – IT Academy designs, organizes and manages dedicated and personalized IT information technology courses and activities, including non-repayable loans, with the aim of supporting, updating and enhancing the staff involved.
IT courses: services and training advice
The interventions, aimed at employees of companies and organizations, unemployed people, staff with professional retraining needs, are organised as follows:
- Company check-up and training requirements analysis
- Identification of ESF and inter-professional funds (Fart, Strong, Training Account, Fon.ter, Enterprise Fund, etc.) for funded training
- Preparing training plans
- Identifying teachers and content experts
- Providing equipped computer classrooms in Ravenna
- Delivery of IT courses
- Organizing and managing corsial activities at all stages
Our workstations
Our classroom is able to accommodate up to 14 participants offering them a convenient work area.
It is set up with respect for comfort and safety and has the most modern equipment to support the educational IT Courses activity:
- 14 workstations, equipped with Wacom graphics tablet
- 14 ergonomic chairs
- Video projector
- SmartMedia media whiteboard with 70-inch touch screen
- Network printer