Outsourcing Software Development

outsourcing sviluppatori


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Simatica has specialized technicians in the following languages and programming platforms:

  • Visual Basic 6 (VB6)
  • C #
    • .NET 4.7
    • ASP.NET Web Forms
  • Xamarin for Android/iOS Mobile App
  • DevExpress XAF and XPO Platforms
  • PHP

In the database sector, however, our expertise is:

  • SQL Server
  • Access
  • Oracle

Based on the customer’s requests, overall, Simatica selects the most suitable professional figures among those available:

  • Software Development Lead
  • Project Manager
  • Systems Analyst
  • Senior Software Developer
  • Junior Software Developer

Microsoft Certifications:

  • Application Development
  • Data Analytics
  • Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions

We also provide development and consulting for custom solutions with the Office package.

What is Outsourcing Software Development?

A company that has temporary load spikes to cover without having to hire staff can request the Outsourcing Software Development Service offered by Simatica instead of running the business internally.

When is Outsourcing Software Development useful

It is convenient when there are no employees of the company who are specialized as developers and do not intend to start development projects in the coming years.

The benefits of Outsourcing Software Development

  • Cost reduction: It is usually cheaper to hire a job outside than to hire skilled staff.
  • Reducing development time: If the staff within the company were to learn a new programming tool it would certainly take longer to carry out the project than using an external company.
  • Employees can then continue to take care of their tasks, which leads to increased efficiency in the company.
  • Finally, outsourced developers are focused on delivering the project and meeting set times.

Reduce costs by Outsourcing Software Development

It is certainly cheaper to take advantage of Outsourcing Software Development than hiring developers in the company because this reduces the costs of finding staff, purchasing licenses and managing the staff themselves.

What does onshore, offshore and nearshore mean?

  • Onshore, when the company that offers outsourcing developers is based in our own state or region.
  • Offshore, when the company that offers outsourcing developers is based in a foreign country, most likely has a different language and culture, sometimes you also have to take into account the time zone. 
  • Nearshore: When the company offering outsourcing developers is based in an adjacent or neighboring country that has similar cultural and language skills. 

Which of the 3 should you do?

Direct labour costs and the depreciation of the currencies of some offshore countries may in fact lead to offshore outsourcing. However, some companies may consider Onshore or Nearshore options due to other benefits, such as similar culture and easier travel.

Onshore companies tend to be more efficient in collecting and defining requirements due to the lack of language and cultural barriers. Offshore companies can also manage the communication of requirements, but they must work to overcome language and cultural barriers.

Comparing costs and benefits the best solution is the Onshore one.

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