Ministry of innovation public tender: how to get it
For years, Simatica has had a score of 90% in obtaining a public tender notice or more for companies in Ravenna, Forlì Cesena, Rimini, Bologna, all of Emilia Romagna but also throughout the national territory.
Simatica’s results
Public tenders innovation agreements: Simatica presented a project under the Innovation Agreements. The project has passed the first phase of control, has been admitted and is now in the bargaining phase with the Regions.
Public tenders Innovation manager: Simatica has achieved 100% success in public tender notices for Innovation Manager and all applications submitted (over 20) have been admitted.
Public tenders for digitization: Simatica has achieved 100% success in public tenders for digitization. All companies that applied with Simatica were financed and regularly received the contribution.
Public tender Experts: the Mise has established since 2006 a Register of Technological Innovation manager Experts. All the experts who used Simatica have been enrolled. Another list is that of Innovation Manager. Again, all participants followed by Simatica (over 20) were enrolled.
Territory in which Simatica works
The public tenders are national and the application must be submitted on a dedicated computer platform, so there are no territorial limits. Simatica can support not only companies in Ravenna, Forlì Cesena, Rimini, Bologna and all of Emilia Romagna but also throughout the country (italy).
Public tenders at the counter
A public tender to the counter is a call in which access to finance is regulated not by a qualitative ranking that, if anything, is made later, but at the achievement of a defined plafond. In other words, the call remains open until the sum of the requests reaches the budget. Then there may be a second call, determined by the exclusion of some questions. It is different from a call with click day, where instead it counts only the time order of submission of requests.
Aerospace public tenders
It is a call that puts 100 million euros at the disposal of projects submitted by companies operating in the field of satellite telecommunications
Public tender patents, trademarks, drawings
It is a call that aims to protect the intellectual property of Italian companies.
The tenders are open in alternation and involve obtaining a contribution of up to 80% of the expenditure that must have already been incurred at the time of the application.
Blockchain public tender
Italy has been president of the EU Blockchain until July 2020. In addition, 25 million have been allocated for the construction of new Technology Houses, aimed at Public Administrations.
It also covers the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Public tender research and development
The Ministry of innovation has numerous public tenders related to research and development. The main group of October 2019 funded these areas: Smart Factory, Agrifood, Life Sciences and High Performance Calculation. The major projects are part of the Ministry of innovation research and development call.
Public tenders for Women’s Entrepreneurship
Women’s entrepreneurship has not had special notices at its disposal for some time; However, women’s and/or youth companies have the priority, with the same score, over companies that do not have these characteristics.
The Ministry of innovation finances social economy companies with investments of no less than 200,000 euros with a 15-year loan at a subsidized rate