What is a Non Repayable Loan

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A Non Repayable Loan allows companies to obtain funding in Emilia Romagna and other regions. These are forms of non repayable loan with which the State and the Regions encourage the development of existing companies and the creation of start-ups. It’s like the state or the region give funding to the entrepreneur who requests it.

The state decides to invest in an entrepreneur because they believe in his projects and the resulting benefits, to the point of not demanding the return of contributions. The aim is to promote economic development, self-employment and boost employment, with a particular focus on female entrepreneurship and youth entrepreneurship.

Calls from local authorities

Simatica can make companies in Emilia Romagna access to local authority calls, in particular the Chamber of Commerce and Emilia Romagna Region. There are also some calls from local banking foundations that third sector companies can participate in. It should also be considered that companies can find it convenient to access national notices of entities such as MISE, INPS and other entities whose notices have valid throughout the territory of the state. In addition, the possibilities of participating in European calls such as Horizon are being considered.

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    How much money can come from funding in Emilia Romagna?

    The amount varies depending on the calls, which in turn are different for the different regions, and the subjects to which they are dedicated. It also depends on the resources made available. For example, Emilia Romagna’s lost-fund funding is different in type, requirements and amount of money provided compared to other regions. You can consult about the official website of the Emilia Romagna Region or even better you can subscribe to our newsletter to stay constantly updated on the latest news on Non Reapayable Loan and to receive summary datasheets made by our experts on the latest calls of the Emilia Romagna Region and neighboring regions.

    The obstacles to obtaining a non repayable loan

    “We were interested but we only lost time: we did not have the requirements to access several calls…”

    The ability of a company to access investment calls depends mainly on its size, for example there are more calls issued for SMEs and its activity code. The work of the Non Repayable Loan consultant starts from this point: to initiate a feasibility analysis that leads to identify the calls that the company can access with good probability of success. This prevents the entrepreneur from wasting time and resources to participate in which the company is not eligible.

    Non Repayable Loan: too much bureaucracy?

    Finanza Agevolata

    True, there are so many fulfillments that, if not respected, can prevent you from accessing contributions. It is precisely for this reason that a non repayable loan can not be left to DIY, but must be managed by consultants capable and attentive even to the smallest detail of form and substance.

    If the funds are exhausted, we must not despair! For many calls, there is the possibility that the lender may recover funds at a later date and proceed with the publication of a second or third ranking. For this reason it is important to continue to comply with the rules provided by the call (ad. example using some payment methods), because you may find yourself reporting expenses incurred at times when you did not think they would become eligible.

    How do you apply for Non Repayable Loan funds?

    Again, it all depends on the type of facilitation to which you are entitled. Each call has specific access modes. Please contact us or make an appointment with our Non Repayable Loan advisors team for more information or clarification.

    Non Repayable Loan

    How much does it cost to receive Non Repayable Loan funds?

    It depends on the type of funding. Generally, the cost is a fixed fee to be paid at the time of the project/demand submission and a variable share calculated as a percentage of the contribution obtained.

    Non Repayable Loan

    Is it necessary to give some kind of guarantee?

    Since the contributions are made in the completed project, no special guarantees are required. Only for those notices that provide an advance of the contribution is provided a bank or insurance guarantee.

    Non Repayable Loan

    Who should the documents be presented to?

    It depends on the call, usually these are applications submitted in digitally signed pdf format that must be uploaded to web platforms.

    Non Repayable Loan

    How long does it take to get the benefits?

    There is no standard time: it depends on the institution, the number of applications and how the investments are made as defined by the call.

    Non Repayable Loan

    Can simatically apply for facilitation on two different notices?

    The opportunity to submit similar applications on different notices is assessed from time to time as part of an accurate feasibility study that takes into account the response times of the institutions, the time frame of eligibility for expenses and the potential cumulativeity of the contributions obtainable.

    Non Repayable Loan

    Since we do not consider making investments within the next 12 months, what can non repayable fund loans be useful for?

    Investment planning that exceeds 12 months allows you to be immediately ready when a call is issued. This is even more true if you want to join with a network of companies, so the 12 months are useful in creating the network and preparing it for the outgoing call.

    Non Repayable Loan

    The application for investment relief is approved: am I then obliged to make the investments?

    Absolutely not. Investments are the entrepreneur’s choice. Of course, if you do not support investments, you will not have the contribution. Sometimes it is necessary to communicate the non-acceptance of the contribution. In addition, there is a minimum required investment threshold for each call compared to what is planned. When this is achieved, the project is valid

    Non Repayable Loan

    Non Repayable Loans project phases for lost funding in Emilia Romagna

    Indagine preliminare volta ad identificare i fabbisogni le opportunità e gli elementi qualificanti dell’Azienda cliente, al fine di individuare le migliori opportunità di finanziamento e finanza agevolata in relazione ai progetti ed ai programmi di investimento e di sviluppo della stessa.

    Analisi e verifica delle migliori opportunità di finanziamento per le aziende.

    Valorizzazione degli elementi che qualificano il progetto individuato in relazione agli obiettivi di finanza agevolata.

    Impostazione documenti per il finanziamento, predisposizione degli allegati, identificazione delle voci di spesa ammissibili alle agevolazioni ed inoltro della domanda/progetto, attraverso i mezzi richiesti da bando, cartaceo e Web.

    Assistenza nel corso dell’istruttoria e di tutta la gestione in itinere del progetto.

    Predisposizione della rendicontazione delle spese a chiusura del Progetto.

    Non Reapayable Loan: better the collection in the current account or the tax credit?

    Funding can be realized in two ways: the collection in the current account indicated of the financing or the tax credit that allows to deduct from the F24 form the amount of the contribution. Although the first method of non repayable loan seems more palatable than the second, it should be said that in the second mode the collection times are much faster as they are not dependent on the liquidation office of the institution which has to meet a precise timeline. If it is a company that has no tax debts or VAT to pay, the contribution collected in the current account is preferable.

    Tax aspects of a non repayable loan

    Non repayable loan funding can be realized in two ways: the collection in the current account indicated of the financing or the tax credit that allows to deduct from the form F24 the amount of the contribution. Although the first method of non repayable loan funding seems more palatable than the second, it should be said that in the second mode the collection times are much faster as they are not dependent on the liquidation office of the institution which has to meet a precise timeline. If it is a company that has no tax debts or VAT to pay, the contribution collected in the current account is preferable.


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