Why should you choose a Cloud based ERP?

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Do you already have a local management system and need to make it easily accessible from any device inside and outside the company? For example, if you have commercials working remotely or a network of agents that collects orders in the territory or technicians who perform interventions with customers.
The underlying problem that in some cases is the reason behind the transition to a Cloud based ERP is related to the performance and usability of the service. 

From locations outside the internal LAN, the system may have excessive response times caused by

  • the amount of information exchanged with the server database
  • bandwidth compared to the local network connection. 

This is why people chose to switch to a cloud based ERP.
A cloud based erp allows you to securely access the specific functions that serve the sales network and with the guarantee of not losing data.

When should I switch to a cloud based ERP?

  • When you want to optimize Smart Working
  • Not to lose data: Our Cloud Services Ensure Data Resilience of 99.9999999%
  • For Disaster Recovery in case of serious emergencies that can stop business activity such as fires, floods or other unpredictable events.
  • Allowing those who work outside the company’s headquarters to always connect to the management
  • Increase storage space, computing power, and connection speed: We ensure that each component is 99.9% operational
  • No investment is required for Server or other expensive IT infrastructure. Cloud based ERP is hosted in a data center.
  • Eliminate hardware lifecycle costs.
  • Have management always available: cloud based ERP downtime risk close to zero.

How safe is a cloud based ERP?

We often talk about data security in the cloud, indicating it as one of the weaknesses of this type of service. In fact this is a misconception due to our concept of ownership. 

We are used to thinking that in a system where the server is physically in our company only those within it can access data, especially sensitive data. 

If you don’t see this in your company:

  • anti-intrusion software systems
  • authentication for viewing and accessing data
  • AntiMalware and Antivirus systems to protect against attacks by experienced hackers or malicious software

The security level of corporate data is comparable to putting your server and data in the company’s forecourt. 

What makes the difference in data cybersecurity is not where they are located but the technologies used to safeguard them.

Whether the management is in the cloud or within our company, what matters is the set of policies that are adopted in order to safeguard business data and operations. 

Finally, you can delegate to Simatica the responsibilities related to the maintenance of physical components.

Where is the cloud based ERP data located?

For its cloud based ERP, Simatica uses an IaaS infrastructure provided by Microsoft

What happens if there is no internet access?

Data in the Cloud is reachable via internal connection to the company and via 4G connection.

Head office and branch offices can continue to access the cloud based erp with fixed-line connectivity issues with their smartphones. 

In classic on-premises systems, if the location where the server resides is isolated from the Internet, users of other branches are not allowed access to the Management. Usually those who decide to move to the cloud also have a backup of the internet line.

Local vs Cloud based ERP: which one is faster?

It can be the same or even faster. Cloud based ERP are extremely flexible: the speed of use can be customized according to business needs such as number of users, available connectivity and performance.

Which of a management’s typical function is more useful in the cloud than in local?

Some of the features that become more agile with a cloud based ERP are:

  • compiling reports for external technicians
  • logistics management with real-time updates from those outside the company
  • the compilation of documentation on external interventions by technicians: the technician will have the opportunity to send by email the pdf with the report of the activities just carried out at the customer and that document, which will be signed by the technician, will arrive directly at the site.
  • Faster search for documents such as sales and purchase invoices, bubbles, and orders.

Resiliency is the ability not to lose data and is usually tied to Hardware. For example, if you put your photos on an external hard disk and then fall off, it results in data loss. However, if a copy had been made on the home PC, the data is saved. 

In both cases the percentage of data resilience or ability to continue to “live” is different. Simatica guarantees the data hosted in its datacenters to 99.99% because it saves it in triplicated copies on physically/logistically separate devices within it.

The Simatica data center specializes in infrastructure configurations that safeguard data by ensuring service levels and resiliency that are only achievable on-premises management at very high cost.

Do I need to train employees to use software other than what they’re used to?

The Cloud based ERP  is exactly the same as the local one, same functionality but optimized.

Compatibility scheme

The platform used to develop our cloud based ERP is Microsoft.NET (Visual Basic.NET programming language) therefore written in the same language used by Microsoft that makes it possible to integrate with its suite.

  • Microsoft Windows 8 or higher
  • An updated browser compatible with modern web standards (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
  • Android tablet, Microsoft Windows, or Apple iPad with a screen of at least 10 inches.
  • An updated browser compatible with modern web standards (Chrome, Firefox, etc.)

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