What will you be able to do at the end of this 2020 Digital Marketing trends course?

trend web marketing 2021

[lwptoc hierarchical=”1″ numeration=”decimalnested” itemsFontSize=”100%” skipHeadingLevel=”h5,h6″ skipHeadingText=”Le nostre certificazioni|A soli 299€|A soli 438€|A soli 165€|A soli 219€|A partire da 4 iscritti|La grafica con GIMP: Cosa saprai fare alla fine di questo corso Excel?|Cosa saprai fare alla fine di questo corso sui Trend Web Marketing 2020?”]


2020 Digital Marketing trends: Mobile and Video

  • The ups and downs of vertical videos
  • Marketing in the right moment
  • Live streaming on your phone

2020 Digital Marketing trends: Social media, Apps and Advertising

  • Social Media News and Trends
  • What’s new in social shopping?
  • Trends in early 2020

2020 Digital Marketing trends: Artificial Intelligence

  • Talking on chatbots
  • A first look at voice searches
  • Commercialize voice searches
  • Digital assistants: voice and video

2020 Digital Marketing trends: Privacy and Data

  • What you need to know about GDPR for marketing
  • Introduction to big data


The course is aimed at owners and marketing managers of companies that want to discover 2020 Digital Marketing trends and find retailers, distributors, partners, franchises via the Internet




Content expert.

Certificate issued

Frequency certificate.

Request term

Date to define.


16 hours, divided into 4 meetings of 4 hours

To be defined

See all Digital Marketing courses

Sign up for the course

Payment will take place in the first lesson

Just 299 euros

4 meetings for a total of 16 hours

From 4 subscribers

The 2020 Digital Marketing trends course will begin when the minimum number of subscribers is reached

    Update: 2020 Digital Marketing trends

    Our Certifications