Learn how Excel data management works
Knowing Excel data management is now critical in the working world, in this course you will learn:
- Set up schemas and summary tables for Excel data management (corporate)
- Making worksheets between sheets with dynamic formulas
- Controlling data with validation rules
- Preparing reports for specific needs: quotes, price lists, budgets, tables for management control
- Manage lists and features to sort, filter, and aggregate data
- Creating charts based on elevations and tables
- Reporting
The course is aimed at users interested in developing knowledge for Excel data management and processing, the realization of tables and reports, useful in management control, budget and budget creation, in the analysis of sales and business values, etc.
Having basic Excel and Word knowledge is necessary to address this course on “Excel data management”
Excel course content
- Creating elevations and charts
- Links between sheets
- Using lists for Excel data management
- Sorting and filtering
- Subtotals and Pivot Tables
- Using data validation rules
- Formulas (logical, text, search, etc.)
Content expert.
Certificate issued
Frequency certificate.
Request term
The date to define.
Sign up for the course
Payment will take place in the first lesson
Just 219 euros
For 4 meetings for a total of 12 hours
From 4 subscribers
The “Excel data management” course will start when the minimum number of subscribers is reached